Anch'io mi unisco al coro di colleghi e amici, invitando tutti a fare una donazione per aiutare questa splendida regione a ritornare com'era prima (e sarà così!).
Di modi per dare un aiuto ce ne sono molti e tutti ufficiali (attenzione alle truffe!).
Riporto l'articolo de "Il Messaggero" in cui vengono elencate le modalità:
Le regole per aiutare bene l'Abruzzo. Il Forum del Terzo settore ha fornito delle linee guida e indicazioni utili per chi volesse aiutare concretamente la popolazione abruzzese. Le forme di aiuto necessarie sono principalmente tre e in questo ordine di importanza: donazioni di denaro, donazione di materiali e generi alimentari, volontari sul posto. Nella donazione di denaro occorre verificare l'utilizzo immediato dei soldi sul territori per iniziative mirate da parte dell'organizzazione beneficiaria. Il secondo consiglio è di preferire donazioni tramite conto corrente o chiedere una ricevuta per donazioni effettuate con denaro contante. I beni materiali devono essere nuovi o in ottimo stato, mentre i generi alimentari non devono avere confezioni fragili e non accuratamente sigillate. In questa prima fase i volontari devono essere formati alla protezione civile e già organizzati in associazioni. Nel post-emergenza a seconda delle proprie competenze si potrà offrire un contributo mirato.
Coordinamento volontari. Le associazioni di volontariato o i singoli volontari interessati a mettersi a disposizione per l'emergenza terremoto possono contattare il Centro operativo della Protezione Civile presso la Prefettura di Pescara, telefonando allo 0852057631.
Donazioni tramite le banche. La Confederazione delle Misericordie ha avviato una raccolta di fondi con un conto corrente appositamente aperto presso il Monte dei Paschi di Siena, agenzia 6 di Firenze. Il codice Iban per effettuare il versamento è IT03 Y010 3002 8060 0000 5000 036. Intesa-San Paolo, ABI 3069, CAB 05061, conto corrente n. 1000/144, intestato a: "Un aiuto subito – Terremoto dell’Abruzzo". Cod. IBAN: IT 03 B 03069 05061 100000000144. Banca TERCAS SPA "Raccolta fondi pro terremotati d'Abruzzo" Codice Iban: IT 48 L 06060 15300 CC 090 005 35 65.
Donazioni alla Croce Rossa Italiana. Per effettuare donazioni alla Croce Rossa Italiana si possono utilizzare: il Conto corrente bancario C/C n. 218020 presso Banca Nazionale del Lavoro-Filiale di Roma Bissolati - Tesoreria - via San Nicola da Tolentino 67 - Roma, intestato a Croce Rossa Italiana via Toscana 12 - 00187 Roma, codice Iban IT66 - C010 0503 3820 0000 0218020, causale pro terremoto Abruzzo; il Conto corrente postale n. 300004 intestato a Croce Rossa Italiana via Toscana 12 - 00187 Roma, codice Iban IT24 - X076 0103 2000 0000 0300 004, causale pro terremoto Abruzzo. E' anche possibile effettuare dei versamenti online, attraverso il sito web della Cri.
Versamenti con le carte di credito. Per le persone che volessero contribuire con le proprie carte di credito (CartaSì, MasterCard, Visa, American Express) possono chiamare al numero verde di Cartasì: 800 317800 dall'Italia e 02 34980235 dall’estero, e poi tenere la carta di credito a portata di mano e seguire le istruzioni del sistema.
Manda un sms al 48580 da Tim, Vodafone, Wind, 3Italia e Fastweb. Le quattro compagnie telefoniche d'intesa con il Dipartimento della Protezione Civile hanno attivato la numerazione 48580 per raccogliere fondi a favore delle popolazioni terremotate. Il valore dell'sms è di 1 euro, mentre da domani sarà possibile effettuare una donazione di 2 euro digitando lo stesso numero dal telefono fisso. Per i clienti Fastweb la chiamata è già attiva dalla telefonia fissa e si possono già donare 2 euro. Purtroppo il piano di numerazione nazionale permette di usare numeri molto simili sia per meritevoli operazioni benefiche, sia per attivare servizi ludici molto meno nobili e spesso erogati dagli operatori con modalita' truffaldine. Occorre quindi fare attenzione nella digitazione del numero.
L'aiuto di Poste Italiane. Per contribuire all'azione di soccorso a favore delle comunità terremotate, il gestore telefonico PosteMobile ha attivato il numero di solidarietà 377.2048580. Tutti i clienti PosteMobile possono donare 1 euro inviando un sms a questo numero speciale. I clienti che hanno associato alla propria sim Poste Mobile un conto corrente Bancoposta o una carta prepagata Postepay possono donare qualunque importo accedendo ai servizi Semplifica tramite il menù della propria scheda sim, selezionando lo strumento di pagamento associato (Conto Corrente o PostePay) ed effettuando un postagiro al conto corrente postale numero 10 40 0000, oppure effettuando una ricarica sul numero speciale 377.2048580.
Sindacati uniti per l'Abruzzo. Cgil, Cisl e Uil hanno aperto il conto corrente bancario n. 12.000 intestato "CGIL CISL UIL terremoto Abruzzo 2009" presso UGF Banca, filiale 157 Roma , con codice IBAN IT23WW0312705011CC1570012000, sul quale far confluire la raccolta, che costituirà un fondo da utilizzare per affrontare i gravi problemi relativi alla ricostruzione.Unità di crisi della Coldiretti.
L'unità di crisi della Coldiretti sta coordinando le iniziative di solidarietà che si sono messe in moto in tutte le sedi della maggiore organizzazione agricola italiana con la spedizione di prodotti di prima necessità. A tal fine è stata aperta la casella di posta elettronica dove possono essere veicolate le informazioni in merito alle offerte di aiuto per i prodotti alimentari alle persone ed alle aziende agricole colpite dal disastroso sisma.
All'asta la maglia dei calciatori della Roma. L'ufficio stampa della società giallorossa ha messo a disposizione del programma radiofonico Te La Do Io Tokyo (Centro Suono Sport 101.5) le loro maglie autografate per un'asta di beneficenza. I fondi raccolti dalla trasmissione serviranno per l'acquisto di due camper da riempire di aiuti e donare agli abitanti di Onna. Già dopo un'ora dal lancio dell'iniziativa è stata raggiunta la cifra per uno dei mezzi.
Il contributo dell'Università. Per versare il proprio contributo la CRUI ha aperto un apposito conto. Si chiama UNIVERSITÀ EMERGENZA TERREMOTO e l'IBAN è IT 80 V 03226 03203 000500074995.
La musica per l'Abruzzo. Anche il mondo della musica ha iniziato a mobilitarsi offrendo un sostegno economico all'Abruzzo. Un concerto per i terremotati. L'idea è partita Franz Di Cioccio, leader e cantante della Premiata Forneria Marconi di origine abruzzese, che ha lanciato un appello ai suoi colleghi per partecipare a un concerto di raccolta fondi da destinare alle famiglie più colpite: «So che la tenacia che sento nello spirito della mia terra ha solo bisogno di essere accompagnata da un gesto di solidarietà, che faccia sentire alla popolazione che non è sola con la sua disperazione. Aiutatemi ad aiutarli». Intanto Biagio Antonacci ha devoluto l'intero incasso del concerto di ieri sera al Palalottomatica di Roma.
La raccolta di Sky. Tutti i telespettatori e gli utenti del sito sono invitati a dare il loro aiuto concreto versando il loro contributo sul numero speciale di conto corrente denominato Sky per l'Abruzzo: Codice Iban: IT 22 O 03226 01606 000500074972.
giovedì 9 aprile 2009
domenica 1 febbraio 2009
Nuovi video ufficiali per il Nokia N97
Ecco due nuovi video ufficiali che presentano il nuovissimo Nokia N97. Uno è un teaser mentre il secondo è un'intervista al disegnatore Axel Meyer del nuovo flagship Nokia, che ci illustra le potenzialità del telefono.
Recensione Nokia N97 in uscita a marzo
Ecco che ci presenta una recensione (anche di descrizione del meccanismo di apertura) del nuovo flagship Nokia di prossima uscita a marzo 2009.
giovedì 22 gennaio 2009
Programmi crackati per Nokia 5800

Si sa che di programmi craccati in giro per la rete ce n'è molti. Quelli per Symbian S60 non fanno certo eccezione. Tra le ultime novità di casa Nokia che adottano un sistema operativo diverso c'è il Nokia 5800. Leggendo alcuni post in blog e forum, si è potuto notare che i crack (comprese patch e seriali) per questo nuovo dispositivo, sono molto più limitate rispetto ai predecessori (N95, N96 ecc.) che significhi che le vendite non siano state all'altezza delle aspettative (considerati i tempi ovviamente)? Fermo restando che la pirateria danneggia il mercato dei programmi e delle applicazioni...
Risposte sul Nokia N97 da parte del designer
Vaibhav Sharma ha postato un video su The Symbian Blog nel quale Axel Meyer, il designer del tanto atteso Nokia N97, risponde a domande poste da alcuni blogger.
Il Nokia N82 può battere una Nikon D40?

Sulle pagine di Tangerra, P0ytee ha fatto una proba direi quanto bizzarra. Alcune immagini ci comparano in un ristorante la qualità del Nokia N82 contro una Nikon D40.
Con un editing minimo i risultati sono esaltanti: il Nokia N82 non è poi così tanto di livello più basso, fotograficamente parlando, rispetto alla DSLR, è molto luminoso oltre ovviamente ad essere molto portabile come macchina fotografica.
Con un editing minimo i risultati sono esaltanti: il Nokia N82 non è poi così tanto di livello più basso, fotograficamente parlando, rispetto alla DSLR, è molto luminoso oltre ovviamente ad essere molto portabile come macchina fotografica.
Nokia N97 in prenotazione su MobileCityOnline

Tempo fa è comparso su su, ora l’N97 si può vedere nel catalogo del sito statunitenze MobileCityOnline. Anche qui possiavo verificare prezzo e disponibilità che, naturalmente, non sono ufficiali.
Il prezzo dell’N97 dovrebbe essere, su MobileCityOnline, di circa 799.99 dollari che corrispondono ad oggi a circa 615 euro, più o meno quanto ci si aspettava per il flagship in uscita. La data di vendita dovrebbe essere il 26 marzo. Su invece la data indicata è il 31 marzo. Le due date quasi coincidono e quindi potremmo ben pensare che il telefono sarà in vendita verosimilmente a fine marzo 2009.
Sul sito inglese purtroppo sia prezzo che data di uscita non sono più presenti. Speriamo sia solo una mossa di mercato per far aumentare l'attesa. (fonte: HowardForum)
Il prezzo dell’N97 dovrebbe essere, su MobileCityOnline, di circa 799.99 dollari che corrispondono ad oggi a circa 615 euro, più o meno quanto ci si aspettava per il flagship in uscita. La data di vendita dovrebbe essere il 26 marzo. Su invece la data indicata è il 31 marzo. Le due date quasi coincidono e quindi potremmo ben pensare che il telefono sarà in vendita verosimilmente a fine marzo 2009.
Sul sito inglese purtroppo sia prezzo che data di uscita non sono più presenti. Speriamo sia solo una mossa di mercato per far aumentare l'attesa. (fonte: HowardForum)
martedì 20 gennaio 2009
Convertire i video per Nokia 5800
Siete interessati a convertire dei video o dei film per il vostro Nokia 5800? Beh vi propone una guida interessante per la conversione. La procedura non è semplicissima ma nemmeno così complicata. Proposto anche un video interessante su youtube.
Nokia N95 8Gb: nuovo firmware

Nuova versione per il firmware del Nokia N95 8Gb: siamo alla versione v31.0.015. Al momento non è disponibile il changelog.
giovedì 15 gennaio 2009
Nokia N96: aggiornamento software

Disponibile da oggi il nuovo firmware per Nokia N96: siamo alla versione 12.043
Changelog ancora non disponibile.
Nokia N78 N79 5800: Nuovi firmware
Nuovi firmware disponibili per i modelli N78, N79 e 5800 XPressMusic. Ecco le nuove versioni:
5800: Su NSU Firmware 11.0.008
N78: Firmware 20.149
N79: Firmware 11.049
Nokia 5800 changelog:
- Homepage definita per Vodafone Live!- Scomparsa delle ultime parole al momento di selezionare un destinatario negli SMS- Eliminazione dell’# prima dell’applicazione “My Nokia”- Durante il BackUp e il successivo Restore le note agenda non erano salvate- Link all’operatore nell’applicazione di benvenuto- Messaggio di file non valido prima di accedere ad un file ricevuto via bluetooth- Metodo di input, veniva mostrata nell’area password solo la possibilità di inserire numeri anche se la WLAN richiedeva lettere- Barre e pulsanti nella versione cinese troppo piccoli- Impossibilità di inserire un’immagine nella Contact Bar se sono occupati più di 5 Gb nella MicroSD- Nella versione Araba le frecce di navigazione risultavano rovesciate- Rotazione troppo sensibile- Search: il servizio Google era assente- I contatti non venivano mostrati in alcune schede SIMTel 2in1- Maps: errato layout per le stringhe di ricerca- Impossibile scrivere mail se non c’è un utente-password predefinito- Il telefono si blocca se si usano WLAN del tipo A5/3 +GEA3- L’applicazione Messaggi si blocca ripetutamente cercando di rispondere ad un messaggio- License Manager per Maps non integrato nel software- 5.0 Touch: la Rubrica si blocca cercando di aggiungere dettagli ad un contatto- lo screen web non viene visualizzato- Impossibilità di usare il letttore musicale per “Aggiornamento brani”- Allarme inattivo a telefono spento- APN da usare nella configurazione guidata- Alcune impostazioni di fabbrica errate- Impossibilità di usare Configurazione Guidata per gli utenti europei- Aggiornata la versione di StartUpSettings- Phone lost correct time during power off- USSD - “Call Control Send USSD” command- Difficoltà nell’aggancio del segnale 3G- Browser: gli oggetti Flash causano problemi durante la navigazione.
Nokia N78 Changelog:
New features:- Boingo – Cancelled- Comes With Music (CWM) - This SW Version includes CWM enablers.
Changes:- Bluetooth- N78 to CK-07W Audio Lost at regular intervals- Call Not Working With Bluetooth Headset- WLAN- WLAN APN passed along with SDP contents is not utilized by Real Player- Power Management- Sleep current too high while video applications at background- GPS- The phone freezes when launching the Trip distance by clicking the link in Help content- PC Suite- Harvester Server doesn’t close all necessary connections to other services during backup/restore- SIM/USIM- Incorrect error codes are passed by TSY from SIM server to application layer for Smart card feature- Radio- RadioLauncher gets corrupted state when VisualRadio exits- Podcast- Podcasts: garbled search results when entering a number as the search title- Photos- Crash when launching Photos application after restoring from memory card- Slideshow doesn’t work after used device for a while- Internet- FM frequency range extends below 87.5MHz- Maps- Maps:”My position” and “My place” are translated into the same Chinese- Messaging- E-mail username truncated causes problem with login- Adding new number from SMS to existing number in ADN causes corruption- Download!- Download client doesn’t work with certain operators WAP APN- Other Changes:- Java platform version number not updated in IAD- Widget installer plugin cannot be upgraded- Removing battery during alarm makes the device unusable- Stub sis file doesn’t include httptransfer component- Paths are incorrect in cenrep creation file (Naviscroll and FMTX affected)- Internal Debugging tool wrongly included in Production SW- Device cuts off URL parameter in RTSP streaming link- Delivery via Device Management corrupts EAP-FAST PAC file- TCK failure with HTTP and AMR Combination- SpaceUI doesn’t allow for changes when a default number is assigned in Phonebook- Display corrupts with 3rd party application BestCalc
Nokia N79 Changelog:
New features:
- New version of N-Gage- New version of Mail for Exchange
Active Idle- Search & WLAN information difficult to read in Active Idle.- Active Idle screen becomes blank in landscape mode.- Default Active Idle shortcuts configured.- Active Idle going dead after quickly accepting and rejecting an incoming video call.- White boxes shown on the screen while doing orientation change quickly in idle mode.
Application Manager- The sis file which is installed to MoviNand or SD card cannot be seen in application manager.- Wrong Feature Manager flag used for seamless link functionality.- Flashlite sis installation is not successful in the first attempt.
Application Update- Unable to upgrade graphic icons in Media Player / Media Settings via sis file.- Unable to upgrade ROM based UI application by installing new version to memory card.- Application Update self-update never completes.- Upgrade of BrowserAudioVideoPlugin.rsc via sw installation is not possible.- Upgrade of Connection Manager via sw installation is not possible.
Audio Performance- Tunings improvements for IHF audio.- Keypad tones cannot be tuned for IHF.
Auto-Rotate- UI Accelerator toolkit (Hitchcock/Alfred) stub file missing.- Locking keys and then opening camera reveal confuses orientation sensor.- Disable orientation in alarm ringing, incoming call and semi active state.- Panic after orientation change.
Bluetooth- Bluetooth headset disconnects when Wireless Keyboard is disconnected from the phone automatically.- Phone panics when changing views in Bluetooth menu while choosing the last connected device from paired view.- Phone crashes and doesn’t disconnect correctly in audio gateway.- BT stereo audio drops when using certain accessories.
Bookmarks- Pre-defined browser bookmarks missing from APAC2 variant.- Added empty folder in Americas bookmarks to make embedded bookmarks work.- Bookmark shortcuts revert to prior setting following backup.
Browser and Streaming- After selecting a link in Expedia website, a panic occurred and “Application closed: !CookieServer” is shown.- Device crashes upon receiving a big cookie in an HTTP response.- Hotspot Browser Login UI not scalable.- Browser launch in embedded mode with custom access point setting does not work.- Reconnecting to streaming content doesn’t work and default connection is changed to “Always ask” after trying to connect again.- Note “MediaPlayerTemp has not been saved. Save now” displays when user exits preview in BrowserNG.- 30s timer for out-of-coverage monitoring in the browser utilities is too short- ITU keypad lights stays off when browsing in landscape mode.- Helix crash or general “memory full” issue occurred when streaming a high resolution clip (704×576) and high bit rate (3Mbip/s).- PP bit #165 flag should be off.
Calendar- Calendar plug-in displays events incorrectly.- Alarms missed note shown when Calendar is opened even when there are no missed alarms.
Camera and Video- Indicator LED is not on.- Application closed: Image viewer is shown after pressing Send key many times.- LED flash is weak.- Still capture and video recording with main camera does not work when there is a HW fault with acme secondary camera.- Capture tone and Internet Radio play simultaneous when capture button is pressed when camera is auto focusing.- Sometimes images captured in dark conditions are totally white- Front camera image rotation is not working properly.- Camera crashes if IVE policy server releases client immediately after reserve.- Camera view finder opens when keylock is on.- Camera freezes when capturing video with “Normal” quality and when Photos application is not closed after clip has been watched.- Phone does not go to sleep after opening/closing camera reveal.- Keylock activation plus opening camera reveal causes new camera instance started.- Camera shutter and volume key lights are OFF when secondary camera is in use.- Camera reveal open/close events are not executed when keypad is locked.- Device does not go to sleep correctly after using camera.- Error note “Unexpected error occurred…” displays and Camera cannot be used unless reboot DUT after playing one video clip in different Phone mode on TV.- After recording and then deleting the video, the camera LED flashes once when back to video mode.- Image and video counter do not display all digits in settings views.- Camera is disabled if keylock is pressed (unlocked) during video call.- Camera preview opens even in keylock.- Camera application is started even when device is locked.- Phone does not go to sleep after opening/closing camera reveal.- Recorded video time counter disappears when another video is captured subsequently.- Camera viewfinder is shown incorrectly after opening the lens cover when camera is opening.- Camera cannot be launched when device is in Landscape view.- Changing to secondary camera when viewfinder is not yet shown causes unexpected error.- Video camera is not started after few repeats.- Camera crashes when opening video quality settings rapidly after recording.- Phone is in still image viewfinder mode when answering an incoming call in burst mode.- Pressing applications key immediately after starting video capture causes post-capture image to be missing when returning the camera from background.- Cannot play video sometimes after recording has stopped.- Phone reboots when recording is started.- The note of “Unexpected error occurred. Restart phone” pops up when receiving a BT message in recoding state.- Wrong view is shown when using secondary camera while video playback is paused in the background.- Viewfinder image quality seriously degrades when recording a video.- Video playback hangs in application switch use case.- Crash is detected after recording high quality video clips for 50 iterations.- Camera jams when stopping video recording.- The camera hangs when the recording has been paused for one minute.- Video stabilisation not working.- Overlapping functionality when pressing Volume/Zoom key in Camera (music is playing in background).- Keylock plus opening camera reveal causes new camera instance to be started when in Messaging.- Backlight automatically turned off during video playback.
Clock- The clock in application status pane is not updated after power-saver deactivates.- Phone lost correct time during power off.- Removing battery during alarm makes the device unusable.- Alarm alert dialogue box disappears if setting new alarm when alarm goes off.- Display light remains on when clock/calendar alarm is not cancelled or snoozed.
Connectivity- Device panics when headset is powered on/off very fast.- Nothing is heard when 616 car kit and wired headphone is connected to the phone during MT CS call.
Contacts- Contacts application closed after selecting “All contacts” in Multimedia menu.- Pre-defined Contacts does not support Chinese characters.- Search pane does not work after deleting one contact in Chinese mode.- Contact name with enter key is displayed incorrectly in Sender list view after importing it from Contacts.- Adding new number from SMS to existing number in ADN causes number to corrupt.
Default Settings- Some default settings values are against the specs in Russian variant.- Default USB connection mode is Mass storage. It should be PC Suite.
Device Management- Delivery via Device Management corrupts EAP-FAST PAC file.
File Manager- The music in File Manager is played when pressing Pause/Play key on headset.- File manager crash when in USB mass storage connection and trying to copy with Remote drive.- Unable to open or delete file whose name contains illegal characters.- Mark/Unmark menu item displays additional ‘Mark All’ sub-menu item even when all items are already marked.
FM Radio- S60 3.2 phones allow user to tune to FM frequency lower than 87.5MHz.- Current Playing Radio item is not shown in idle state of screen after changing standby theme from Basic to Horizontal icon bar.
FM Transmit- FM transmitter deactivated after receiving a voice call.- Audio playback is heard from stereo BT when FM TX is activated.- FM TX Chirp signal does not switch off after 5 minutes.- FM TX usability improvements implemented.- FM transmitter still transmits when headphones attached.- IHF cannot be enabled during call when FMTx is on.
FOTA- Mobile crash after updating the phone with dummy package using FOTA.- FOTA Suspend and Resume: Resume download doesn’t work when DM server uses Silent mode.
Gallery- Naviscroll behaviour is jumpy in Gallery.- MPXCollectionserver and SQL Server consuming 20% of CPU for just viewing and switching between images using navikey.- Naviscroll light is ON only in Gallery/Images folder.
Help- The help topic for Theme switch can’t be opened.- Description about Podcasting in Help is incorrect.- The Help topics about “video sharing” and “video calls” need to be removed in EDGE variant.- Help data is missing for some options related to access points.- Help application hangs after selecting Naviwheel setting link in Help.- Boxes in Help text in Finnish language.- Strange text exists in Help text for Office Folder in Simplified Chinese language.- Duplicate word “”Drucken”” in Photos Help topic in German language.- Most of the help topics are missing when English is in use in Thai variant.- Some words are localized to incorrect language in Help topics in Bahasia Indonesia language.- Help topics missing from Camera -> Options -> Customise toolbar -> Options ->Help.- ‘Frequency presets’ topic is missing in the help of ‘Equaliser’.- The Application launching link ‘Music player’ does not work in the Help topic of ‘Edit frequency presets’ .- A blank page is opened when clicking ‘Internet call connectivity sett.’ link in Internet call settings in Help.- Audio themes application can not be opened when clicking the link from Audio themes in Help.- Strange text exists in Help text for Games tile when in Chinese language.- Many question marks in Help for software checker (NSC) in Chinese translation.- Helps are missing from American-English.- Some words in Help are localized to incorrect language.- Wrong help topic opens for Help topic “Sensor settings” in localised English.- The help content of SW Checker is not shown correctly in Chinese language.- A few display texts are shown as logical names in Chinese language
Home Media- Phone UI conflict after playing video and music at same time.- Upload to Corel DMS failed.- Filename extension is missing or wrong (.mp3) from downloaded WAV-audio files.- Share content view is not updated properly.- Content server crash when C-drive is full.- None is still displayed for home access point after creating new access point in Home Media.- Unable to copy image and video files when home network is Orb server.- Create new access point doesn’t work properly.- Changing “hide phone” to “show phone” sometimes results with crash.- Selected device’s Music and Uploaded folders can not be accessed in Home Media.- Phone crashes when Home Media application is closed.- DRM file is not skipped when copying files from handset to media server.- ‘Application closed: MediaServer_MainThread’ displays during sharing if memory is almost full.- Images & Videos updating dialog box is not refreshed if “Visibility in network” has been changed during sharing many images.- Print server crashes connecting to UPnP printer.- Media Servant did not harvest all 10000 files.- Metadata hasn’t been refreshed.
Key and Keypad Functionality- Zooming functionality is not performed by ITU-Keys.- Long press of Lock key for unlocking re-locks again.- S60 keypad is not working after waking up device during call.- Naviselect key press filtering does not work properly.- Navikey centre select not filtered.- Keypad lock haptics have wrong intensity, length and interval time.
Licences- Forward locked java applications fail to start.-.Icon for invalid rights is shown for WM DRM protected videos in RealPlayer.- Deleting licenses fails if C: drive doesn’t have enough memory.
Lighting Behaviour- Boot up failure when ALS component is detached in drop testing.- Lights are controlled wrongly in several use cases.- Send/End keys are not illuminated even when other S60 lights are on.- S60 and ITU-T illumination not turned on after reboot and keylock release.- Navikey light doesn’t light up in semi-active state.- Navikey LED functionality improvements.
Localisation- Support for Korean language selection.
Location Services- Positioning server address is not retrieved.- No GPS fix after factory reset.- Can not use Chinese characters to search in Maps application.- Landmarks: Panic is detected when cancelling searching current position.- Maps and Landmarks can’t be opened when phone language set to Catalan.- GPS is not stopping after Camera enters Standby Mode and consuming battery.- Assisted GPS and “Integrated GPS” items are not localized to Chinese in positioning methods view.
Memory and Memory Card- Memory full displayed when opening multiple applications.- Memory leak is detected when making BT modem dial up connection over 3G.- After restoring settings from memory card, a number off settings are not restored.
Menu- Scroll bar displayed the first time entering Menu application after booting even though Menuapplication view don’t need a scroll bar.- The Options soft key is inactive after moving an application to a new position.- Pressing Menu key shows previously visited item first before switching to default.
Messaging- Number of saved msgs. default value is 20 instead of 100.- Predictive text default value in Language is “Off” instead of “On”.- Receive adverts’ default value is “Yes” instead of “No”.- Impossible to insert new image to MMS message.- Panic happens when connect to pop3 mail server.- Application crash after pressing End Key to close attachment of email message.- MMS viewer crash with unprotected content when playback is restricted.- Unable to open MMS/SMS messaging url in the page:…_url_tests.html- Launching Message Viewer for Business Card not working from external home screen.- Truncated email username causing problem with login.- Messaging application closed when deleting a keyword after searching the marked items.- Cannot fetch email with OD2 WMDRM song as attachment.- ChinaUI_MsgMngt: Can not enter the application or application crash after removing battery.- ChinaUI_MsgMngt: The localization of Junk in rules list view cannot be changed after changing the phone’s Language.- ChinaUI_MsgMngt: “Application closed: Message” is displayed when creating a new rule named “Junk”.- Phone panics during “Send via bluetooth”.- Note ‘Remove XXX.jpg ‘ is truncated after one image is inserted to MMS twice and then try to remove the second one.- Error message missing if receiving message when FLASH is below critical level.- Gimlet: Cannot configure client after backup/restore to SD.- Inbox message can’t be read, deleted, or moved.- China UI SMS Filter breaks SMS timestamp.- Message sending issue on PC Suite when multiple recipients selected.- General: Feature not supported message seen when sending email with incorrect username or password.- E-mail message retrieval size limit is not working properly when receiving Japanese message.- MMS Postcard application is not configurable in variant.- The SMS switch to MMS automatically after adding more than 20 receivers.- Maximum length email address name causes Messaging application to crash.
Music Player- Phone becomes unresponsive when using Music Player with 6000 songs.- MP3 file does not play.- The phone performance is low after skipping forward when playing aac song- Media Player does not refresh “Recently played list” when USB cable is connected.- The options in ‘Playlists’ has issues with playing the music properly.- Music player crashes if renderer name contains tab characters.- Progress bar in Now Playing view displays incorrectly after finishing playing automatic playlist.- IHF speaker damage (failure) in Music Player.- Artist name is not shown correctly.- Artist name missing after music sync from Twonky.- Music playback breaks when warning appears in Silent mode.- Music volume level jumps when previewing a ring tone in profiles application.- Visualization view is corrupted.- Music player enters loop when updating the music library.- Music can not be played after installing web server application from Downloads!.- MPXPlaybackServer crashes when memory card is removed with Music Player running in the background.- Music player library gets corrupted after several synchronizations.- Music player keep searching new songs when activated if time separator was changed from default ( / ) to colon ( : ).- Problems to control music player in applications where zooming is enabled.
N-Gage- Drive New drive unavailable. Try again? is displayed when launching Ngage after creating a remote drive.- N-Gage games fail to start after restore content from SD card.- Could not install N-Gage and received error msg “Unknown error: -5″.- N-gage gaming keys do not work in portrait mode.- Volume key not illuminated when playing Games (N-Gage).
Nokia SW Checker- Nokia Software Checker included in Welcome application.- NSC can be used when DM is in the background.- NSC background application sends Mobile-Crash reports in RnD releases.- Log file must be removed if it exists in Production configuration.- Timer (internal) is not working properly in Error cases.- Interface is missing to enable other applications to use SW update checking capabilities.- The time format is displayed incorrectly after updating in NSC application.- Problem in French translation for “new update found” text.- NSC-client incorrectly treats Error Codes from NSCS (FOX/FiRE).
Notes- The second marked note cannot be sent after the first marked note was sent.
Other Applications- Phone freezes or just stops opening applications when multiple applications are opened.- Delete title in Newsticker application does not work correctly.- When using an application with a high CPU load in the background(e.g. Music Player), the user interface to any other application on the phone becomes slow and sometimes crashes.
Photos- Corrupt thumbnails are displayed if stopping a video in Photos after changing the display mode from Portrait mode to Landscape mode.- Tag Manager in Photos closes on down arrow key.- Location information not deleted from Image when deleted from details view.- Photos crashes after opening ‘All’ view when 1000 images are saved in device.- Photos is too slow with more than 10 DRM items- Photos Application performance problems after number of photos are transferred to the device.- Media keys illumination is wrong in slideshow in MC Photos is music is ON- Slideshow is not illuminated- Backlight goes off during Slide Show.
Podcasting- Garbled search results when entering a number as the search title.- Crash occurred after pressing end key during acquiring license for OD2 episode in episode view.- The name of podcasting application includes unexpected symbol “/”, when phone language is Melayu.
Power Management- Naviscroll is not entering Sleep Mode.- Standby current is stuck at approx 10mA if phone locked directly after boot up.
Profiles- Silent profile: Video call ringing tone is Beep. It should be Nokia Tune.- Meeting profile: Video call ringing tone is Nokia Tune. It should be Beep.- Offline profile: Vibrating alert is On. It should be off.- Multimedia profile should be flagged as hidden.
Push to Talk- PTT service is logged out after trying to delete connection profile.
Real Player- Error message “Memory full. Close other apps and try again.” occurred in Real Player.- Playback view displays incorrectly in landscape mode in Real Player.
Search- “Show Songs” doesn’t work in Search in main view.- Hidden IM application can be found and launched from Search.
Security- Check validity of password against time limit does not work.- Lock code query does not pop up when powering on the phone even though “Lock if SIM card changed” is set to “Yes”.- Lock code query pops up when powering on the phone even if SIM cards IMSI is in devices IMSI list.
Settings Wizard- Unable to define MfE from Settings Wizard.
Share Online- Camera functionality works differently if changing camera modes from menu instead of using the lens cover.- Crash is detected after pressing RSK quickly and continually when opening Share Online folder.
Switch- Application crashes in device A when fetching MMS started from device B.- No conflict solving dialog is displayed when previously synced contact’s phone number is edited on both phones.- Phone crashes during Contacts slow sync with S40.- Retrieving multiple MMS messages fails.- Fetching multimedia files fails.- Nokia folder file larger than 2MB is removed from terminal B when Nokia folder file sync is repeated.- The start storing icon is missing in the landscape mode.- Error note “Application closed: Switch” after copying has been finished.- Part of address disappears in Contacts in slow sync with Series40.- Fetching several giga bytes of sound files is interrupted.- Fetching media gallery images fails.- Deleted items from either device are not sent.- The phone can not select the data type item when synchronised with a S60 2.0 phone.- The phone cannot synchronise after disconnect the PC suite.
Sync- OviSuite 1.0 - E-mail synchronization does not work.- Calendar and Contacts are not synchronized though the note “Synchronization completed” is displayed when synchronizing with OVI Suite.- Sync feature has several texts not localized.
Telephony- No downlink audio heard in the phone or headset on outgoing call.- UI doesn’t send user defined image for VT call.- CDSP problem in video call.- Back camera is used as default camera during video call.- Phone uses main camera even when reveal is closed during video call.- Camera swapped to main camera when locking keys during video call.- Call disconnects after 20min.- Can’t adjust MT call volume level when Visual Radio is in foreground.- Opening multiple instances of voicemail via 1 key causes phone reset.- DTMF signals are not sent when inband is used with key tones switched off.- The person on other end of call can also hear the call audio when the gain value is set to zero.- Crash when call is blacklisted.- Not Allowed warning note is shown and Telephony UI is hidden when pressing the “End Call” button before an externally created MO call alert.- Phone can’t display the in-coming call interface when connecting to PC suite.- When placing multiple calls on “hold”, the other caller’s send key becomes unresponsive and on hold note is shown after call is ended.- Telephone will crash after trying to send a media file during voice call while C-drive is too full for the generated multimedia message.- Video call is shown in Options when highlighting a contact in EDGE SW.- Call divert icon for line 2 disappears from UI.- Phone reboot when making or receiving a call.- Held call is activated after 1X+Send.- Making a video call using DialNoFdnCheck () fails with -8071.- Phone call is rejected if there are numbers in the idle screen while receiving an MT call.- The volume can not be adjusted during a video call.- Improvements to emergency call handling.- Send to caller is inactive when trying to send a picture to caller during voice call.- After call transfer, call cannot be ended.- Video sharing image quality is poor on MT end.- Call divert icon not seen on UI after phone powered off/on.- ITU keys light turns off when receiving a voice call.- During call, using volume key or camera key to wake up the device does not work.- Back camera is used as default camera in video call.- Phone uses main camera even when reveal is closed during video call/sharing.- Camera swapped to main camera when locking keys during video call.- Display lights turn off during video call when lock switch activated.
Themes- Phone application goes to background after standby theme has been changed.- Menu events and “Phone handling events” missing from Audio Themes view.
TV Out- Video can not be played continuously if changing phone mode during playing video on TV.- Screen becomes blank after rotating to landscape while viewing images on TV-Out if theme effect is ON.
UA Profile- Incorrect UA Profile shown when in 3G.
Video Center- H264 Decoder hangs if first frame after valid header is corrupted- Helix FLV payload support for playing flash videos from YouTube etc missing from 3.2 and 3.2.3 platforms.- Video Center crashes when C: disk is full.- Operator specific H.264 movie clip does not play.- The content catalogue update for new feed fails when downloading a big video.
Visual Radio- Visual Radio does not startup.
Voice Commands- Enter key gives wrong behaviour in idle.- Voice commands: Playback volume is 10 > should be 5.- The phone freezes after pressing down arrow key in Voice Command list.- Voice Commands play back volume configured.
VoIP- Video clip sharing does not work during VoIP call.- Cannot input 256 characters to the query of VoIP service username and service password after enabling a VoIP service without a password.- The name of MSK and display of Options are incorrect in Internet call barring settings.- VoIP calls are shown as last name, first name in log.- Device rebooted on MT call with Alcatel-Lucent Multicore.- Two services can not be activated simultaneously if AP linked to SIP profiles- Cancelling VoIP call causes reset.- Double hold not working with Cisco Call Manager- Unable to save the new profile created using existing one.- Incorrect value of PTime and UDP packet length in RTP stream are shown.- Phone crashed when using VoIP with NAT setting to AP without NAT.- DTMF tones are sent but tone is heard twice on sending phone during VoIP call.- Crash occurs if VoIP service connection isn’t selected in 20-30 seconds.- Logs doesn’t show presence status when call is made before subscribing.- Presence status is not updated correctly.- UI note “Error in connection” is missing if first VoIP call fails.
WidSets- WidSets application is not rotating correctly.
WLAN- WLAN login application crashes randomly.- WLAN APN passed along with SDP content is not utilized by Real Player.- Connection fails via WPA/WEP protected access point.- Connection fails when SNAP-list has first priority packet data and wanting to use WLAN connection.- Incorrect active WLAN interface handling.- Phone reboots when user confirms to close one PDP context in disconnect dialog.
Zip- Unable to use Zip Manager if phone has a remote drive with incomplete settings.
5800: Su NSU Firmware 11.0.008
N78: Firmware 20.149
N79: Firmware 11.049
Nokia 5800 changelog:
- Homepage definita per Vodafone Live!- Scomparsa delle ultime parole al momento di selezionare un destinatario negli SMS- Eliminazione dell’# prima dell’applicazione “My Nokia”- Durante il BackUp e il successivo Restore le note agenda non erano salvate- Link all’operatore nell’applicazione di benvenuto- Messaggio di file non valido prima di accedere ad un file ricevuto via bluetooth- Metodo di input, veniva mostrata nell’area password solo la possibilità di inserire numeri anche se la WLAN richiedeva lettere- Barre e pulsanti nella versione cinese troppo piccoli- Impossibilità di inserire un’immagine nella Contact Bar se sono occupati più di 5 Gb nella MicroSD- Nella versione Araba le frecce di navigazione risultavano rovesciate- Rotazione troppo sensibile- Search: il servizio Google era assente- I contatti non venivano mostrati in alcune schede SIMTel 2in1- Maps: errato layout per le stringhe di ricerca- Impossibile scrivere mail se non c’è un utente-password predefinito- Il telefono si blocca se si usano WLAN del tipo A5/3 +GEA3- L’applicazione Messaggi si blocca ripetutamente cercando di rispondere ad un messaggio- License Manager per Maps non integrato nel software- 5.0 Touch: la Rubrica si blocca cercando di aggiungere dettagli ad un contatto- lo screen web non viene visualizzato- Impossibilità di usare il letttore musicale per “Aggiornamento brani”- Allarme inattivo a telefono spento- APN da usare nella configurazione guidata- Alcune impostazioni di fabbrica errate- Impossibilità di usare Configurazione Guidata per gli utenti europei- Aggiornata la versione di StartUpSettings- Phone lost correct time during power off- USSD - “Call Control Send USSD” command- Difficoltà nell’aggancio del segnale 3G- Browser: gli oggetti Flash causano problemi durante la navigazione.
Nokia N78 Changelog:
New features:- Boingo – Cancelled- Comes With Music (CWM) - This SW Version includes CWM enablers.
Changes:- Bluetooth- N78 to CK-07W Audio Lost at regular intervals- Call Not Working With Bluetooth Headset- WLAN- WLAN APN passed along with SDP contents is not utilized by Real Player- Power Management- Sleep current too high while video applications at background- GPS- The phone freezes when launching the Trip distance by clicking the link in Help content- PC Suite- Harvester Server doesn’t close all necessary connections to other services during backup/restore- SIM/USIM- Incorrect error codes are passed by TSY from SIM server to application layer for Smart card feature- Radio- RadioLauncher gets corrupted state when VisualRadio exits- Podcast- Podcasts: garbled search results when entering a number as the search title- Photos- Crash when launching Photos application after restoring from memory card- Slideshow doesn’t work after used device for a while- Internet- FM frequency range extends below 87.5MHz- Maps- Maps:”My position” and “My place” are translated into the same Chinese- Messaging- E-mail username truncated causes problem with login- Adding new number from SMS to existing number in ADN causes corruption- Download!- Download client doesn’t work with certain operators WAP APN- Other Changes:- Java platform version number not updated in IAD- Widget installer plugin cannot be upgraded- Removing battery during alarm makes the device unusable- Stub sis file doesn’t include httptransfer component- Paths are incorrect in cenrep creation file (Naviscroll and FMTX affected)- Internal Debugging tool wrongly included in Production SW- Device cuts off URL parameter in RTSP streaming link- Delivery via Device Management corrupts EAP-FAST PAC file- TCK failure with HTTP and AMR Combination- SpaceUI doesn’t allow for changes when a default number is assigned in Phonebook- Display corrupts with 3rd party application BestCalc
Nokia N79 Changelog:
New features:
- New version of N-Gage- New version of Mail for Exchange
Active Idle- Search & WLAN information difficult to read in Active Idle.- Active Idle screen becomes blank in landscape mode.- Default Active Idle shortcuts configured.- Active Idle going dead after quickly accepting and rejecting an incoming video call.- White boxes shown on the screen while doing orientation change quickly in idle mode.
Application Manager- The sis file which is installed to MoviNand or SD card cannot be seen in application manager.- Wrong Feature Manager flag used for seamless link functionality.- Flashlite sis installation is not successful in the first attempt.
Application Update- Unable to upgrade graphic icons in Media Player / Media Settings via sis file.- Unable to upgrade ROM based UI application by installing new version to memory card.- Application Update self-update never completes.- Upgrade of BrowserAudioVideoPlugin.rsc via sw installation is not possible.- Upgrade of Connection Manager via sw installation is not possible.
Audio Performance- Tunings improvements for IHF audio.- Keypad tones cannot be tuned for IHF.
Auto-Rotate- UI Accelerator toolkit (Hitchcock/Alfred) stub file missing.- Locking keys and then opening camera reveal confuses orientation sensor.- Disable orientation in alarm ringing, incoming call and semi active state.- Panic after orientation change.
Bluetooth- Bluetooth headset disconnects when Wireless Keyboard is disconnected from the phone automatically.- Phone panics when changing views in Bluetooth menu while choosing the last connected device from paired view.- Phone crashes and doesn’t disconnect correctly in audio gateway.- BT stereo audio drops when using certain accessories.
Bookmarks- Pre-defined browser bookmarks missing from APAC2 variant.- Added empty folder in Americas bookmarks to make embedded bookmarks work.- Bookmark shortcuts revert to prior setting following backup.
Browser and Streaming- After selecting a link in Expedia website, a panic occurred and “Application closed: !CookieServer” is shown.- Device crashes upon receiving a big cookie in an HTTP response.- Hotspot Browser Login UI not scalable.- Browser launch in embedded mode with custom access point setting does not work.- Reconnecting to streaming content doesn’t work and default connection is changed to “Always ask” after trying to connect again.- Note “MediaPlayerTemp has not been saved. Save now” displays when user exits preview in BrowserNG.- 30s timer for out-of-coverage monitoring in the browser utilities is too short- ITU keypad lights stays off when browsing in landscape mode.- Helix crash or general “memory full” issue occurred when streaming a high resolution clip (704×576) and high bit rate (3Mbip/s).- PP bit #165 flag should be off.
Calendar- Calendar plug-in displays events incorrectly.- Alarms missed note shown when Calendar is opened even when there are no missed alarms.
Camera and Video- Indicator LED is not on.- Application closed: Image viewer is shown after pressing Send key many times.- LED flash is weak.- Still capture and video recording with main camera does not work when there is a HW fault with acme secondary camera.- Capture tone and Internet Radio play simultaneous when capture button is pressed when camera is auto focusing.- Sometimes images captured in dark conditions are totally white- Front camera image rotation is not working properly.- Camera crashes if IVE policy server releases client immediately after reserve.- Camera view finder opens when keylock is on.- Camera freezes when capturing video with “Normal” quality and when Photos application is not closed after clip has been watched.- Phone does not go to sleep after opening/closing camera reveal.- Keylock activation plus opening camera reveal causes new camera instance started.- Camera shutter and volume key lights are OFF when secondary camera is in use.- Camera reveal open/close events are not executed when keypad is locked.- Device does not go to sleep correctly after using camera.- Error note “Unexpected error occurred…” displays and Camera cannot be used unless reboot DUT after playing one video clip in different Phone mode on TV.- After recording and then deleting the video, the camera LED flashes once when back to video mode.- Image and video counter do not display all digits in settings views.- Camera is disabled if keylock is pressed (unlocked) during video call.- Camera preview opens even in keylock.- Camera application is started even when device is locked.- Phone does not go to sleep after opening/closing camera reveal.- Recorded video time counter disappears when another video is captured subsequently.- Camera viewfinder is shown incorrectly after opening the lens cover when camera is opening.- Camera cannot be launched when device is in Landscape view.- Changing to secondary camera when viewfinder is not yet shown causes unexpected error.- Video camera is not started after few repeats.- Camera crashes when opening video quality settings rapidly after recording.- Phone is in still image viewfinder mode when answering an incoming call in burst mode.- Pressing applications key immediately after starting video capture causes post-capture image to be missing when returning the camera from background.- Cannot play video sometimes after recording has stopped.- Phone reboots when recording is started.- The note of “Unexpected error occurred. Restart phone” pops up when receiving a BT message in recoding state.- Wrong view is shown when using secondary camera while video playback is paused in the background.- Viewfinder image quality seriously degrades when recording a video.- Video playback hangs in application switch use case.- Crash is detected after recording high quality video clips for 50 iterations.- Camera jams when stopping video recording.- The camera hangs when the recording has been paused for one minute.- Video stabilisation not working.- Overlapping functionality when pressing Volume/Zoom key in Camera (music is playing in background).- Keylock plus opening camera reveal causes new camera instance to be started when in Messaging.- Backlight automatically turned off during video playback.
Clock- The clock in application status pane is not updated after power-saver deactivates.- Phone lost correct time during power off.- Removing battery during alarm makes the device unusable.- Alarm alert dialogue box disappears if setting new alarm when alarm goes off.- Display light remains on when clock/calendar alarm is not cancelled or snoozed.
Connectivity- Device panics when headset is powered on/off very fast.- Nothing is heard when 616 car kit and wired headphone is connected to the phone during MT CS call.
Contacts- Contacts application closed after selecting “All contacts” in Multimedia menu.- Pre-defined Contacts does not support Chinese characters.- Search pane does not work after deleting one contact in Chinese mode.- Contact name with enter key is displayed incorrectly in Sender list view after importing it from Contacts.- Adding new number from SMS to existing number in ADN causes number to corrupt.
Default Settings- Some default settings values are against the specs in Russian variant.- Default USB connection mode is Mass storage. It should be PC Suite.
Device Management- Delivery via Device Management corrupts EAP-FAST PAC file.
File Manager- The music in File Manager is played when pressing Pause/Play key on headset.- File manager crash when in USB mass storage connection and trying to copy with Remote drive.- Unable to open or delete file whose name contains illegal characters.- Mark/Unmark menu item displays additional ‘Mark All’ sub-menu item even when all items are already marked.
FM Radio- S60 3.2 phones allow user to tune to FM frequency lower than 87.5MHz.- Current Playing Radio item is not shown in idle state of screen after changing standby theme from Basic to Horizontal icon bar.
FM Transmit- FM transmitter deactivated after receiving a voice call.- Audio playback is heard from stereo BT when FM TX is activated.- FM TX Chirp signal does not switch off after 5 minutes.- FM TX usability improvements implemented.- FM transmitter still transmits when headphones attached.- IHF cannot be enabled during call when FMTx is on.
FOTA- Mobile crash after updating the phone with dummy package using FOTA.- FOTA Suspend and Resume: Resume download doesn’t work when DM server uses Silent mode.
Gallery- Naviscroll behaviour is jumpy in Gallery.- MPXCollectionserver and SQL Server consuming 20% of CPU for just viewing and switching between images using navikey.- Naviscroll light is ON only in Gallery/Images folder.
Help- The help topic for Theme switch can’t be opened.- Description about Podcasting in Help is incorrect.- The Help topics about “video sharing” and “video calls” need to be removed in EDGE variant.- Help data is missing for some options related to access points.- Help application hangs after selecting Naviwheel setting link in Help.- Boxes in Help text in Finnish language.- Strange text exists in Help text for Office Folder in Simplified Chinese language.- Duplicate word “”Drucken”” in Photos Help topic in German language.- Most of the help topics are missing when English is in use in Thai variant.- Some words are localized to incorrect language in Help topics in Bahasia Indonesia language.- Help topics missing from Camera -> Options -> Customise toolbar -> Options ->Help.- ‘Frequency presets’ topic is missing in the help of ‘Equaliser’.- The Application launching link ‘Music player’ does not work in the Help topic of ‘Edit frequency presets’ .- A blank page is opened when clicking ‘Internet call connectivity sett.’ link in Internet call settings in Help.- Audio themes application can not be opened when clicking the link from Audio themes in Help.- Strange text exists in Help text for Games tile when in Chinese language.- Many question marks in Help for software checker (NSC) in Chinese translation.- Helps are missing from American-English.- Some words in Help are localized to incorrect language.- Wrong help topic opens for Help topic “Sensor settings” in localised English.- The help content of SW Checker is not shown correctly in Chinese language.- A few display texts are shown as logical names in Chinese language
Home Media- Phone UI conflict after playing video and music at same time.- Upload to Corel DMS failed.- Filename extension is missing or wrong (.mp3) from downloaded WAV-audio files.- Share content view is not updated properly.- Content server crash when C-drive is full.- None is still displayed for home access point after creating new access point in Home Media.- Unable to copy image and video files when home network is Orb server.- Create new access point doesn’t work properly.- Changing “hide phone” to “show phone” sometimes results with crash.- Selected device’s Music and Uploaded folders can not be accessed in Home Media.- Phone crashes when Home Media application is closed.- DRM file is not skipped when copying files from handset to media server.- ‘Application closed: MediaServer_MainThread’ displays during sharing if memory is almost full.- Images & Videos updating dialog box is not refreshed if “Visibility in network” has been changed during sharing many images.- Print server crashes connecting to UPnP printer.- Media Servant did not harvest all 10000 files.- Metadata hasn’t been refreshed.
Key and Keypad Functionality- Zooming functionality is not performed by ITU-Keys.- Long press of Lock key for unlocking re-locks again.- S60 keypad is not working after waking up device during call.- Naviselect key press filtering does not work properly.- Navikey centre select not filtered.- Keypad lock haptics have wrong intensity, length and interval time.
Licences- Forward locked java applications fail to start.-.Icon for invalid rights is shown for WM DRM protected videos in RealPlayer.- Deleting licenses fails if C: drive doesn’t have enough memory.
Lighting Behaviour- Boot up failure when ALS component is detached in drop testing.- Lights are controlled wrongly in several use cases.- Send/End keys are not illuminated even when other S60 lights are on.- S60 and ITU-T illumination not turned on after reboot and keylock release.- Navikey light doesn’t light up in semi-active state.- Navikey LED functionality improvements.
Localisation- Support for Korean language selection.
Location Services- Positioning server address is not retrieved.- No GPS fix after factory reset.- Can not use Chinese characters to search in Maps application.- Landmarks: Panic is detected when cancelling searching current position.- Maps and Landmarks can’t be opened when phone language set to Catalan.- GPS is not stopping after Camera enters Standby Mode and consuming battery.- Assisted GPS and “Integrated GPS” items are not localized to Chinese in positioning methods view.
Memory and Memory Card- Memory full displayed when opening multiple applications.- Memory leak is detected when making BT modem dial up connection over 3G.- After restoring settings from memory card, a number off settings are not restored.
Menu- Scroll bar displayed the first time entering Menu application after booting even though Menuapplication view don’t need a scroll bar.- The Options soft key is inactive after moving an application to a new position.- Pressing Menu key shows previously visited item first before switching to default.
Messaging- Number of saved msgs. default value is 20 instead of 100.- Predictive text default value in Language is “Off” instead of “On”.- Receive adverts’ default value is “Yes” instead of “No”.- Impossible to insert new image to MMS message.- Panic happens when connect to pop3 mail server.- Application crash after pressing End Key to close attachment of email message.- MMS viewer crash with unprotected content when playback is restricted.- Unable to open MMS/SMS messaging url in the page:…_url_tests.html- Launching Message Viewer for Business Card not working from external home screen.- Truncated email username causing problem with login.- Messaging application closed when deleting a keyword after searching the marked items.- Cannot fetch email with OD2 WMDRM song as attachment.- ChinaUI_MsgMngt: Can not enter the application or application crash after removing battery.- ChinaUI_MsgMngt: The localization of Junk in rules list view cannot be changed after changing the phone’s Language.- ChinaUI_MsgMngt: “Application closed: Message” is displayed when creating a new rule named “Junk”.- Phone panics during “Send via bluetooth”.- Note ‘Remove XXX.jpg ‘ is truncated after one image is inserted to MMS twice and then try to remove the second one.- Error message missing if receiving message when FLASH is below critical level.- Gimlet: Cannot configure client after backup/restore to SD.- Inbox message can’t be read, deleted, or moved.- China UI SMS Filter breaks SMS timestamp.- Message sending issue on PC Suite when multiple recipients selected.- General: Feature not supported message seen when sending email with incorrect username or password.- E-mail message retrieval size limit is not working properly when receiving Japanese message.- MMS Postcard application is not configurable in variant.- The SMS switch to MMS automatically after adding more than 20 receivers.- Maximum length email address name causes Messaging application to crash.
Music Player- Phone becomes unresponsive when using Music Player with 6000 songs.- MP3 file does not play.- The phone performance is low after skipping forward when playing aac song- Media Player does not refresh “Recently played list” when USB cable is connected.- The options in ‘Playlists’ has issues with playing the music properly.- Music player crashes if renderer name contains tab characters.- Progress bar in Now Playing view displays incorrectly after finishing playing automatic playlist.- IHF speaker damage (failure) in Music Player.- Artist name is not shown correctly.- Artist name missing after music sync from Twonky.- Music playback breaks when warning appears in Silent mode.- Music volume level jumps when previewing a ring tone in profiles application.- Visualization view is corrupted.- Music player enters loop when updating the music library.- Music can not be played after installing web server application from Downloads!.- MPXPlaybackServer crashes when memory card is removed with Music Player running in the background.- Music player library gets corrupted after several synchronizations.- Music player keep searching new songs when activated if time separator was changed from default ( / ) to colon ( : ).- Problems to control music player in applications where zooming is enabled.
N-Gage- Drive New drive unavailable. Try again? is displayed when launching Ngage after creating a remote drive.- N-Gage games fail to start after restore content from SD card.- Could not install N-Gage and received error msg “Unknown error: -5″.- N-gage gaming keys do not work in portrait mode.- Volume key not illuminated when playing Games (N-Gage).
Nokia SW Checker- Nokia Software Checker included in Welcome application.- NSC can be used when DM is in the background.- NSC background application sends Mobile-Crash reports in RnD releases.- Log file must be removed if it exists in Production configuration.- Timer (internal) is not working properly in Error cases.- Interface is missing to enable other applications to use SW update checking capabilities.- The time format is displayed incorrectly after updating in NSC application.- Problem in French translation for “new update found” text.- NSC-client incorrectly treats Error Codes from NSCS (FOX/FiRE).
Notes- The second marked note cannot be sent after the first marked note was sent.
Other Applications- Phone freezes or just stops opening applications when multiple applications are opened.- Delete title in Newsticker application does not work correctly.- When using an application with a high CPU load in the background(e.g. Music Player), the user interface to any other application on the phone becomes slow and sometimes crashes.
Photos- Corrupt thumbnails are displayed if stopping a video in Photos after changing the display mode from Portrait mode to Landscape mode.- Tag Manager in Photos closes on down arrow key.- Location information not deleted from Image when deleted from details view.- Photos crashes after opening ‘All’ view when 1000 images are saved in device.- Photos is too slow with more than 10 DRM items- Photos Application performance problems after number of photos are transferred to the device.- Media keys illumination is wrong in slideshow in MC Photos is music is ON- Slideshow is not illuminated- Backlight goes off during Slide Show.
Podcasting- Garbled search results when entering a number as the search title.- Crash occurred after pressing end key during acquiring license for OD2 episode in episode view.- The name of podcasting application includes unexpected symbol “/”, when phone language is Melayu.
Power Management- Naviscroll is not entering Sleep Mode.- Standby current is stuck at approx 10mA if phone locked directly after boot up.
Profiles- Silent profile: Video call ringing tone is Beep. It should be Nokia Tune.- Meeting profile: Video call ringing tone is Nokia Tune. It should be Beep.- Offline profile: Vibrating alert is On. It should be off.- Multimedia profile should be flagged as hidden.
Push to Talk- PTT service is logged out after trying to delete connection profile.
Real Player- Error message “Memory full. Close other apps and try again.” occurred in Real Player.- Playback view displays incorrectly in landscape mode in Real Player.
Search- “Show Songs” doesn’t work in Search in main view.- Hidden IM application can be found and launched from Search.
Security- Check validity of password against time limit does not work.- Lock code query does not pop up when powering on the phone even though “Lock if SIM card changed” is set to “Yes”.- Lock code query pops up when powering on the phone even if SIM cards IMSI is in devices IMSI list.
Settings Wizard- Unable to define MfE from Settings Wizard.
Share Online- Camera functionality works differently if changing camera modes from menu instead of using the lens cover.- Crash is detected after pressing RSK quickly and continually when opening Share Online folder.
Switch- Application crashes in device A when fetching MMS started from device B.- No conflict solving dialog is displayed when previously synced contact’s phone number is edited on both phones.- Phone crashes during Contacts slow sync with S40.- Retrieving multiple MMS messages fails.- Fetching multimedia files fails.- Nokia folder file larger than 2MB is removed from terminal B when Nokia folder file sync is repeated.- The start storing icon is missing in the landscape mode.- Error note “Application closed: Switch” after copying has been finished.- Part of address disappears in Contacts in slow sync with Series40.- Fetching several giga bytes of sound files is interrupted.- Fetching media gallery images fails.- Deleted items from either device are not sent.- The phone can not select the data type item when synchronised with a S60 2.0 phone.- The phone cannot synchronise after disconnect the PC suite.
Sync- OviSuite 1.0 - E-mail synchronization does not work.- Calendar and Contacts are not synchronized though the note “Synchronization completed” is displayed when synchronizing with OVI Suite.- Sync feature has several texts not localized.
Telephony- No downlink audio heard in the phone or headset on outgoing call.- UI doesn’t send user defined image for VT call.- CDSP problem in video call.- Back camera is used as default camera during video call.- Phone uses main camera even when reveal is closed during video call.- Camera swapped to main camera when locking keys during video call.- Call disconnects after 20min.- Can’t adjust MT call volume level when Visual Radio is in foreground.- Opening multiple instances of voicemail via 1 key causes phone reset.- DTMF signals are not sent when inband is used with key tones switched off.- The person on other end of call can also hear the call audio when the gain value is set to zero.- Crash when call is blacklisted.- Not Allowed warning note is shown and Telephony UI is hidden when pressing the “End Call” button before an externally created MO call alert.- Phone can’t display the in-coming call interface when connecting to PC suite.- When placing multiple calls on “hold”, the other caller’s send key becomes unresponsive and on hold note is shown after call is ended.- Telephone will crash after trying to send a media file during voice call while C-drive is too full for the generated multimedia message.- Video call is shown in Options when highlighting a contact in EDGE SW.- Call divert icon for line 2 disappears from UI.- Phone reboot when making or receiving a call.- Held call is activated after 1X+Send.- Making a video call using DialNoFdnCheck () fails with -8071.- Phone call is rejected if there are numbers in the idle screen while receiving an MT call.- The volume can not be adjusted during a video call.- Improvements to emergency call handling.- Send to caller is inactive when trying to send a picture to caller during voice call.- After call transfer, call cannot be ended.- Video sharing image quality is poor on MT end.- Call divert icon not seen on UI after phone powered off/on.- ITU keys light turns off when receiving a voice call.- During call, using volume key or camera key to wake up the device does not work.- Back camera is used as default camera in video call.- Phone uses main camera even when reveal is closed during video call/sharing.- Camera swapped to main camera when locking keys during video call.- Display lights turn off during video call when lock switch activated.
Themes- Phone application goes to background after standby theme has been changed.- Menu events and “Phone handling events” missing from Audio Themes view.
TV Out- Video can not be played continuously if changing phone mode during playing video on TV.- Screen becomes blank after rotating to landscape while viewing images on TV-Out if theme effect is ON.
UA Profile- Incorrect UA Profile shown when in 3G.
Video Center- H264 Decoder hangs if first frame after valid header is corrupted- Helix FLV payload support for playing flash videos from YouTube etc missing from 3.2 and 3.2.3 platforms.- Video Center crashes when C: disk is full.- Operator specific H.264 movie clip does not play.- The content catalogue update for new feed fails when downloading a big video.
Visual Radio- Visual Radio does not startup.
Voice Commands- Enter key gives wrong behaviour in idle.- Voice commands: Playback volume is 10 > should be 5.- The phone freezes after pressing down arrow key in Voice Command list.- Voice Commands play back volume configured.
VoIP- Video clip sharing does not work during VoIP call.- Cannot input 256 characters to the query of VoIP service username and service password after enabling a VoIP service without a password.- The name of MSK and display of Options are incorrect in Internet call barring settings.- VoIP calls are shown as last name, first name in log.- Device rebooted on MT call with Alcatel-Lucent Multicore.- Two services can not be activated simultaneously if AP linked to SIP profiles- Cancelling VoIP call causes reset.- Double hold not working with Cisco Call Manager- Unable to save the new profile created using existing one.- Incorrect value of PTime and UDP packet length in RTP stream are shown.- Phone crashed when using VoIP with NAT setting to AP without NAT.- DTMF tones are sent but tone is heard twice on sending phone during VoIP call.- Crash occurs if VoIP service connection isn’t selected in 20-30 seconds.- Logs doesn’t show presence status when call is made before subscribing.- Presence status is not updated correctly.- UI note “Error in connection” is missing if first VoIP call fails.
WidSets- WidSets application is not rotating correctly.
WLAN- WLAN login application crashes randomly.- WLAN APN passed along with SDP content is not utilized by Real Player.- Connection fails via WPA/WEP protected access point.- Connection fails when SNAP-list has first priority packet data and wanting to use WLAN connection.- Incorrect active WLAN interface handling.- Phone reboots when user confirms to close one PDP context in disconnect dialog.
Zip- Unable to use Zip Manager if phone has a remote drive with incomplete settings.

Volete sapere la data di vendita in Europa del nuovissimo Nokia N97? il 31 Marzo 2009. E più precisamente su, uno dei più grandi negozi online del Regno Unito, che ha aggiunto da poco la pagina dedicata all’N97 (futuro cavallo di battaglia touchscreen di casa Nokia). La prenotazione è già possibile.
Il prezzo (incredibile) è di "soli" 479.99 sterline che corrispondono a circa 530 Euro. Come successo per il Nokia 5800 XpressMusic ha il prezzo più basso in assoluto. Eppure cliccando sulla bandierina dell’Euro in alto a destra, il prezzo che indicato è di 623.99 Euro. Che cambio utilizzeranno? (fonte: PRLog via: Forums)
Il prezzo (incredibile) è di "soli" 479.99 sterline che corrispondono a circa 530 Euro. Come successo per il Nokia 5800 XpressMusic ha il prezzo più basso in assoluto. Eppure cliccando sulla bandierina dell’Euro in alto a destra, il prezzo che indicato è di 623.99 Euro. Che cambio utilizzeranno? (fonte: PRLog via: Forums)
lunedì 12 gennaio 2009
Una valanga di programmi gratis per Nokia 5800

Mobileblog ci segnala una serie di programmi gratuiti per Nokia 5800 davvero interessanti. Ecco un estratto: "Una di queste è Mobile Paint, un semplice programma di disegno a mano libera realizzata da Nokia come esempio di sviluppo su 5800. Un’altro programma è Touch Popper, uno scacciapensieri che simula sul display gli involucri con le bolle da schiacciare che di solito vengono utilizzati nei pacchi.
Appartiene sempre all’ambito ludico anche Touch Card Match, rifacimento in ‘chiave tattile’ del classico e sempre famoso gioco di memoria in cui è necessario scovare le coppie di tessere uguali.
Ma non è finita, visto che per il 5800 sono da poco disponibili anche WorldMate, il famoso programma che, nella sua versione freeware, fornisce informazioni aggiornate relativamente a condizioni meteo, orari e valute di quasi tutti i paesi del mondo, e Slick, un client IM, per ora ancora in beta, compatibile con la maggior parte dei protocolli esistenti (ICQ, Yahoo, AIM, MSN, Google Talk, Jabber)"
Appartiene sempre all’ambito ludico anche Touch Card Match, rifacimento in ‘chiave tattile’ del classico e sempre famoso gioco di memoria in cui è necessario scovare le coppie di tessere uguali.
Ma non è finita, visto che per il 5800 sono da poco disponibili anche WorldMate, il famoso programma che, nella sua versione freeware, fornisce informazioni aggiornate relativamente a condizioni meteo, orari e valute di quasi tutti i paesi del mondo, e Slick, un client IM, per ora ancora in beta, compatibile con la maggior parte dei protocolli esistenti (ICQ, Yahoo, AIM, MSN, Google Talk, Jabber)"
Nuovo firmware per il Nokia 5800 XPressMusic... su RDA

Disponibile da oggi il nuovo firmware per il Nokia touch screen 5800 XPress Music. Siamo alla 11.0.008. Purtroppo è disponibile solo su RDA ma speriamo arrivi presto anche sui nostri telefoni!
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